my mission

Enchanted Eats welcomes you to a journey of culinary delight!

My name is Susana, The Celestial Chef. My mission is to free your mind from the paradigm that eating is an inconvenience or a bother. With Enchanted Eats, I invite you to step into a world where your dinner is a highlight of each and every day. I work hard to allow you to cultivate gratitude, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment through each and every meal.

We have forgotten what it even means to eat.

The majority of people see eating as something we ‘have to do’. Not something we are privileged to experience. Food is quite literally the building blocks used to create, upkeep, and fuel our bodies every second of everyday. The quality of the food we eat plays a huge factor in our health, happiness, and connection to love/life itself. Mother Earth has provides us with such beautiful creations for us to partake in. So, why waste your time eating foods that make you unhealthy, and only take from you?

I invite you to her garden.

At Enchanted Eats, I infuse every single meal with the most powerful, healing force in the whole universe. True love. This true love being infused into each meal will make your taste buds dance with joy with every single bite. Freeing you from the toxic paradigm where eating is a drag; and allows eating to be a healing experience that fills your day with excitement, and anticipation for each and every upcoming meal.

Indulge in the flavors that heal and uplift your spirit. Every bite is a reminder of our commitment to fostering a positive, harmonious relationship with food. Join me in this enchanting experience where love and nutrition intertwine, one delicious plate at a time.

Let Enchanted Eats be your guide towards a healthier, happier you. Embrace each meal, knowing that it's not just food - it's a manifestation of care, dedication, and enchantment. Your nourishment, my passion.